The effects of cooking methods and oil treatment conditions on the oil absorption of home meal replacement pork cutlets 조리법과 기름 처리 조건이 가정간편식 돈가스의 흡유량 감소에 미치는 영향
서민주 Minju Seo , 정라나 Lana Chung
40(6) 387-393, 2024
서민주 Minju Seo , 정라나 Lana Chung
Purpose: The purpose of this experiment was to analyze the effects of varying cooking methods and oil treatment conditions on various characteristics of home meal replacement (HMR) pork cutlets, and to examine whether they can replace fried HMR pork cutlets. Methods: Pork cutlet samples were prepared by deep frying, oven and air fryer cooking. For the oven cooking and air fryer cooking, oil was applied to the samples using a brush and spray. These samples were then analyzed for moisture content, pH, Hunter color value, fat, oil absorption, and texture, and a sensory evaluation was also carried out. Results: The deep-fried pork cutlets had the highest moisture content(p<0.001). The pH differences were not significantly different across cooking methods. The air fryer samples were most similar in lightness, while the oven-cooked samples had similar redness and yellowness (p<0.001). Total fat and oil absorption were significantly lower in all samples except for the deep-fried cutlets (p<0.001). Texture analysis showed that the non-deep-fried samples had higher hardness and adhesiveness, but elasticity, cohesiveness, and chewiness were similar to those of the deep-fried cutlets (p<0.001). Based on quality characteristics, the air fryer sample with sprayed oil was deemed the most suitable, and the oven-cooked sample with sprayed oil received the highest consumer evaluation (p<0.001). Conclusion: The results suggests that HMR pork cutlets cooked with reduced oil absorption methods could serve as a substitute for fried HMR products. The theoretical and practical implications of the study, as well as future research directions, weare also discussed.
Key Words
home meal replacement, pork cutlets, oil, quality characteristics, consumer acceptance
A study on the fermentation and storage characteristics of kefir made from whole milk and fat-free milk 원유와 무지방유로 제조한 케피어의 발효 및 저장 특성 연구
조형진 Hyung Jin Cho , 김수린 Su Rin Kim , 안태헌 Tae Heon An , 이민호 Min Ho Lee , 오영지 Yeong Ji Oh
40(6) 394-402, 2024
조형진 Hyung Jin Cho , 김수린 Su Rin Kim , 안태헌 Tae Heon An , 이민호 Min Ho Lee , 오영지 Yeong Ji Oh
Purpose: Kefir is a traditional acid-alcohol fermented milk that originated in the Caucasus region. It is rich in probiotics, such as lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and yeast, and has been studied for its antimicrobial, anticancer, and antioxidant properties. Methods: This study compared the physicochemical qualities and fermentation characteristics of kefir made from fat-free milk (0%) and whole milk (3.4%). Results: Over two days of fermentation, both samples showed a significant increase in LAB cell counts over day one, with the LAB count remaining stable in fat-free milk kefir after refrigeration. Yeast counts showed no significant difference between the two samples after the first day (p>0.05). Similarly, there were no significant differences in the pH and sugar content between the samples. Antioxidant capacity, measured by 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity, was higher in the whole milk kefir during fermentation and refrigeration compared to fat-free milk kefir. Particularly, 2,2′-azobis (2-amidinopropane) dihyhydrochloride (AAPH) radical scavenging ability of whole milk kefir fluctuated greatly, whereas fat-free milk kefir maintained relatively consistent values. Conclusion: Further research on the effects of fat content on the interaction between probiotics and the antioxidant components could enhance the health benefits of kefir. Consequently, fortifying the functionality of fat-free milk, kefir is expected to position it as a competitive product in the diet fermented milk market.
Key Words
Kefir, fermentation, probiotics, fat-free milk, antioxidant capacity
Noodle-making performance of flour treated with xylanase specific to water-unextractable arabinoxylans 불용성 아라비노자일란을 선택적으로 분해하는 자일라네이즈 처리 밀가루의 제면 적성
하은빈 Eunbin Ha , 권미라 Meera Kweon
40(6) 403-413, 2024
하은빈 Eunbin Ha , 권미라 Meera Kweon
Purpose: This study investigated the noodle-making performance of flour treated with xylanase, specifically targeting water-unextractable arabinoxylans (WU-AX). Methods: Xylanase (Pentopan 500L) was added to three flours with varying gluten strengths at concentrations of 0.01%, 0.025%, 0.05%, 0.1%, and 0.2% (based on flour weight). Water solvent retention capacity (SRC), sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) sedimentation volume, and dough mixing properties were analyzed for the flours treated with xylanase. Noodle-making performance was evaluated for noodles made with the addition of xylanase and reduced water content. Results: Xylanase addition significantly decreased water SRC and increased SDS sedimentation volume, with more pronounced effects in flours with medium and weak gluten strengths. Fresh noodle texture differed significantly by flour type but showed no significant changes by xylanase treatment compared to noodles made without xylanase. Cooked noodle properties varied significantly by flour type, with decrease in firmness and chewiness as xylanase concentration increased, suggesting that WU-AX degradation affects water absorption and xylanase continues reacting until it is inactivated during cooking. Conclusion: These findings confirm that WU-AX in flour significantly influences the texture of cooked noodles.
Key Words
water-unextractable arabinoxylan, xylanase, dough, noodle
Quality characteristics of Bechamel sauce made with various plant-based milk products 식물성 대체 우유로 제조한 베샤멜 소스의 품질 특성
황유하 You Ha Hwang , 윤혜현 Hye Hyun Yoon
40(6) 414-421, 2024
황유하 You Ha Hwang , 윤혜현 Hye Hyun Yoon
Purpose: This study examined the quality characteristics of Bechamel sauce made with various plant-based milk products. Methods: Bechamel sauces were prepared by replacing milk (CON) individually with Oat milk (OAB), Coconut milk (CCB), Rice milk (RCB), Almond milk (ALB), and Soy milk (SOB). The moisture contents, pH, salinity, color value, viscosity, line-spread distance and consumer acceptance of Bechamel sauce made with various planted-based milk were measured. Results: The moisture content was the highest in the ALB sample, and the lowest in SOB(p<0.001). The pH of the Bechamel sauce was the highest in the ALB and the lowest in the CON and RCB samples(p<0.001). The RCB sample was significantly saltier than the others(p<0.001). The CON sample showed the highest ‘L’ value and the lowest ‘a’ value, while the SOB sample showed the opposite characteristics(p<0.001). The value of ‘b’ was the highest in the SOB and the lowest in the CCB sample. The SOB sample showed the highest viscosity(p<0.001), and the lowest spreadability(p<0.001), while RCB showed the opposite characteristics. Consumer acceptance indicated that the CON and CCB samples had a more acceptable appearance than the others, and CON showed the highest odor and taste acceptance (p<0.001). The CON and CCB samples were found to have the highest texture acceptance (p<0.001) and overall acceptance (p<0.001). Conclusion: Bechamel sauces made with various plant-based milk exhibited differences in moisture contents, pH, salinity, viscosity, spreadability, and consumer acceptance, depending on the type of milk used. The results suggest the possibility of replacing milk with plant-based milk while making Bechamel sauce.
Key Words
Bechamel sauce, plant-based milk, quality characteristics, consumer acceptance
Quality characteristics of rice cookie with soybean curd residue powder 비지가루를 첨가한 쌀쿠키의 품질 특성
이연주 Yeon Ju Lee , 윤혜현 Hye Hyun Yoon
40(6) 422-430, 2024
이연주 Yeon Ju Lee , 윤혜현 Hye Hyun Yoon
Purpose: This study aimed to investigate sensory quality characteristics and consumer acceptance of rice cookies by adding soybean curd residue powder. Methods: Rice cookies were prepared with soybean curd residue powder added at levels of 0% (CON), 5% (SCP5), 10% (SCP10), 15% (SCP15), 20% (SCP20), and 25% (SCP25). The physicochemical and sensory properties of the cookies were analyzed. Results: The moisture content was lowest in CON (3.33%) and highest in SCP25 (5.63%), and the spreadability was lowest in CON (4.91) and highest in SCP25 (5.14) with statistical significance (p<0.01). The pH was highest in CON (6.82) and decreased as the soybean curd residue powder levels increased (p<0.001). In color analysis, the L-value (lightness) decreased significantly (p<0.001), while the a-value (redness) and b-value (yellowness) increased significantly as soybean curd residue powder levels increased (p<0.001). The hardness of cookie sample was highest in CON (775.16 g) and significantly decreased as the soybean curd residue powder levels increased (p<0.001). In the attribute difference test, as the amount of soybean curd residue powder increased, the nutty flavor, soybean curd residue flavor, and grainy flavor increased, while the buttery flavor and sweetness decreased. Fifty one consumers evaluated that the SCP10 and SCP15 had the highest overall acceptability. Conclusion: This study provides a basic data for developing rice cookie products using soybean curd residue powder and is expected to contribute to enhance the health functionality of cookie.
Key Words
rice cookie, soybean curd residue powder, sensory quality, consumer acceptance, food recycling
Quality characteristics and antioxidant activity of cookies with Gynostemma pentaphyllum Makino leaf powder 돌외잎 분말을 첨가한 쿠키의 품질 특성 및 항산화 활성
박미혜 Mi Hye Park , 김미라 Meera Kim
40(6) 431-439, 2024
박미혜 Mi Hye Park , 김미라 Meera Kim
Purpose: This study examined the quality characteristics and antioxidant activities of cookies according to the addition ratio of Gynostemma pentaphyllum Makino leaf powder. Methods: Gynostemma pentaphyllum Makino leaf powder was added at the five different levels of 0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, and 8% to the cookie dough. The pH, sugar content, moisture content, color, hardness, contents of total polyphenols and total flavonoids, 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity, 2,2′-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) radical scavenging activity, and sensory characteristics of the cookie samples were measured. Results: The pH of the cookies decreased as the amount of Gynostemma pentaphyllum Makino leaf powder added increased, while the sugar content and moisture content increased. The L and a values of the cookies significantly decreased with increasing Gynostemma pentaphyllum Makino powder content, but b values increased. The hardness of the cookie decreased with an increase in the addition of Gynostemma pentaphyllum Makino leaf powder. The content of total polyphenols and total flavonoids, and the antioxidant activity of cookies were increased by the addition of Gynostemma pentaphyllum Makino leaf powder to the cookies. The overall-acceptability score of the cookies prepared with the addition of 4% and 6% Gynostemma pentaphyllum Makino leaf powder was higher than that of other cookie sample groups. Conclusion: It would be most appropriate to manufacture cookies with the addition of 4~6% Gynostemma pentaphyllum Makino leaf powder.
Key Words
Gynostemma pentaphyllum Makino powder, cookie, quality characteristics, antioxidant activity
Quality characteristics of functional yanggaeng using tart cherry juice 타트체리 주스를 이용한 기능성 양갱의 품질 특성
박연옥 Yeon-ok Park
40(6) 440-446, 2024
박연옥 Yeon-ok Park
Purpose: Yanggaeng was manufactured with tart cherry juice, and the quality characteristics and antioxidant activity were analyzed. Methods: Tart cherry juice was incorporated into yanggaeng with different contents (TCJ 20, TCJ 30, and TCJ 40 containing 20%, 30%, and 40% tart cherry juice, respectively) based on the total weight of water. This study examined the physicochemical properties, color, texture, antioxidant activity, and preference evaluation. Results: The moisture content and pH of yanggaeng were highest in the control group and decreased in proportion to the amount of tart cherry juice added, while the sugar content increased. Regarding chromaticity, the lightness (L) and yellowness (b) decreased as the amount of tart cherry juice added increased, and the redness (a) increased. For texture, the hardness, springness, and chewiness increased as the amount of tart cherry juice added increased. The total polyphenol content increased in proportion to the amount of juice added and showed significant differences between the control group and each experimental group. The DPPH radical scavenging ability significantly increased in proportion to the total polyphenol content. The sensory evaluation of preference revealed TCJ 30 to have the highest score in terms of flavor, color, taste, texture, and overall acceptability. Conclusion: Tart cherry is a new fruit for healthy, functional food with excellent antioxidant activity. In addition, TCJ 30 is considered to be the most appropriate amount of juice to add when manufacturing functional yanggaeng containing tart cherry juice.
Key Words
tart cherry juice, yanggaeng, quality characteristics, antioxidant activity, functional food
Quality characteristics and antioxidant activity of jellies based on the addition of Gryllus bimaculatus 쌍별귀뚜라미 첨가량에 따른 젤리의 품질 특성 및 항산화 활성
김정헌 Jeong-heon Kim , 김예지 Yea-ji Kim , 차지윤 Ji Yoon Cha , 김태경 Tae-kyung Kim , 강민철 Min-cheol Kang , 최윤상 Yun-sang Choi
40(6) 447-455, 2024
김정헌 Jeong-heon Kim , 김예지 Yea-ji Kim , 차지윤 Ji Yoon Cha , 김태경 Tae-kyung Kim , 강민철 Min-cheol Kang , 최윤상 Yun-sang Choi
Purpose: This study examined the quality characteristics and antioxidant activity of jelly prepared by adding defatted Gryllus bimaculatus and assessed its potential use as a protein-enriched food ingredient. Methods: Gryllus bimaculatus was defatted with hexane, and a jelly was produced with different gryllus bimaculatus contents. The physicochemical properties and antioxidant activity of the jelly were then evaluated. Results: The jelly containing gryllus bimaculatus showed an increase in fat, ash and protein content, while the moisture content has decreased, and the essential amino acid content also increased because of the amino acid content of the gryllus bimaculatus. The pH increased as the amounts of gryllus bimaculatus increased. Color analysis showed that the brightness decreased, and the redness and yellowness increased with increasing addition. The physical properties of the jelly decreased with the addition of gryllus bimaculatus. In addition, the addition of gryllus bimaculatus increased the polyphenol content, which increased the DPPH radical scavenging activity and ABTS+ radical scavenging activity. Conclusion: Gryllus bimaculatus is a potentially useful ingredient to enhance the nutritional content of jelly and increase its antioxidant activity, suggesting its potential use in the development of functional foods.
Key Words
insect, jelly, protein-enriched food, future food, Gryllus bimaculatus
Preventive effects of domestic Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch water extract on acute gastritis in mice model 마우스 동물모델에서 국내산 감초 열수 추출물의 급성 위염 예방 효과
장하나 Ha Na Jang , 최혜란 Hye Ran Choi , 송기영 Ki Young Song , 김태준 Tae Joon Kim , 류태호 Tae Ho Ryu
40(6) 456-465, 2024
장하나 Ha Na Jang , 최혜란 Hye Ran Choi , 송기영 Ki Young Song , 김태준 Tae Joon Kim , 류태호 Tae Ho Ryu
Purpose: This study examined the anti-inflammatory and gastric mucosa-protective effects of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch (licorice) water extracts cultivated in Korea in an acute gastritis mouse model, exploring its potential as a functional food ingredient. Methods: Licorice roots were extracted in three stages, concentrated, and freeze-dried. Male Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) mice were divided into control, negative control, and treatment groups receiving 50, 100, or 200 mg/kg licorice extract for 14 days. Acute gastritis was induced using a hydrochloric acid (HCl)/ethanol solution. The gastric mucosal damage was assessed using the gross morphology, histopathology, and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) analysis of pro-inflammatory cytokines interleukin(IL)-1β and IL-6. Statistical analysis was conducted using GraphPad Prism. Results: The administration of licorice extract had no significant impact on body weight or food intake in all groups, indicating its safety within the tested dosage range. Gross morphological analysis showed that gastric mucosal damage in the negative control group was 31.14%, while the licorice extract treatment groups exhibited significantly reduced damage in a dose-dependent manner. Histopathology analysis confirmed the reduced inflammation and enhanced mucosal protection. qRT-PCR analysis revealed the significant downregulation of IL-1β and IL-6 mRNA expression in the licorice-treated groups compared to the negative control. Conclusion: The water extracts of G. uralensis F. had protective effects against acute gastric mucosal damage, likely via anti-inflammatory and mucosa-protective mechanisms. These findings highlight the potential of domestically cultivated licorice as a functional food ingredient for gastric health, warranting further study.
Key Words
Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch, gastritis, HCl/ethanol-induced, anti-inflammation
Development and application of a sustainable home connection food and nutritional literacy nutrition education program using AR for elementary school students 초등학생 대상의 증강현실(Augmented Reality)을 활용한 지속가능한 가정연계 푸드·영양리터러시 영양교육 프로그램 개발 및 적용
김시온 Si On Kim , 윤정미 Jung-mi Yun
40(6) 466-476, 2024
김시온 Si On Kim , 윤정미 Jung-mi Yun
Purpose: A home-linked nutrition education program was developed to improve sustainable eating concepts and food and nutrition literacy skills using augmented reality (AR) and evaluate its effectiveness. Method: The subjects in the study were students in grades 1 to 6 of an elementary school. An educational program was organized for four sessions per grade based on a literature review of sustainable eating habits and food and nutrition literacy and the achievement goals of the 2022 revised curriculum. The goal was to improve immersion and practical skills through learning activities using AR technology. Results: Grades 1-3 showed significant improvement in the health and care areas, but there was no difference in the environment area. Grades 4-6 showed significant improvement in all areas, and in terms of food and nutrition literacy, there were significant improvements in cognition-understanding, cognition-knowledge, and technology-food selection. However, no differences were observed in some technical areas. Conclusion: This paper reports the effectiveness of an AR-based home connection nutrition education program for elementary school students. Future development of AR-based nutrition education programs and home connection activities will contribute to learning efficiency and changes in correct eating behavior.
Key Words
augmented reality, nutrition education, sustainable diet, home connection, food and nutrition literacy