Effect of Ginger and Soaking on the Lipid Oxidation in Yackwa 생강즙 및 집청이 약과의 지방산화에 미치는 영향
이주희 , 박금미 Joo Hee Lee , Kum Mi Park
11(2) 93-97, 1995
Effect of Ginger and Soaking on the Lipid Oxidation in Yackwa 생강즙 및 집청이 약과의 지방산화에 미치는 영향
이주희 , 박금미 Joo Hee Lee , Kum Mi Park
Effects of added ginger juice in Yackwa on the sensory quality and the lipid oxidation were studied. Also effects of soaking on the lipid oxidation were examined. There were no significant differences between Yackwa without adding ginger juice and ones with adding ginger juice on texture, shape, color. However, Yackwa, with ginger juice more than 1 tea spoon(t.s) of ginger juice per 1 cup of flour, was better than one without ginger juice on taste, flavor and overall acceptibility. Added ginger juice showed the antioxidant effect during frying in oil and storage at room temperature. The higher the amount of ginger juice was added, the slower of lipid oxidation was resulted in Yackwa. Yackwa soaked in syrup or in honey showed lower lipid oxidation than one without soaking during storage at room temperature. The antioxidant effect of soaking in honey was higher than one of soaking in syrup.
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Effect of Blanching Time , Blanching Water and Power Settings on Minerals Retention in Microwave Blanched Vegetables Microwave 를 이용한 조리방법에 따른 상용채소의 무기질 함량 변화 - 시금치와 브로커리 -
박세원 , 김선태 , 유양자 Se Won Park , Sun Tae Kim , Yang Ja Yoo
11(2) 98-103, 1995
Effect of Blanching Time , Blanching Water and Power Settings on Minerals Retention in Microwave Blanched Vegetables Microwave 를 이용한 조리방법에 따른 상용채소의 무기질 함량 변화 - 시금치와 브로커리 -
박세원 , 김선태 , 유양자 Se Won Park , Sun Tae Kim , Yang Ja Yoo
The effect of blanching time, blanching water and power settings of microwave oven on the minerals retention in spinach and broccoli were investigated. The vegetables were blanched for 60, 120 and 180 sec, with water 0㎖, 50㎖ and 100㎖ every 100 g of raw material at two different power settings (700W, 400W). The retention of minerals(Ca, K, Mg, Cu, Fe, Na, P) in spinach and broccoli were higher at the 400W power than 700W power level, regardless of blanching time. At the high power, the retention of minerals in spinach and broccoli were reduced remarkably as the blanching time increased. The reason for this is that the increasing power level results in greater water coming ou from the vegetable. Also, minerals in vegetable as coming out with this water loss in proportion to the blanching time.
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Characteristics on Enzyme and Microorganism by Soaking Time of Glutinious Rice 찹쌀의 수침 시간에 따른 수침액의 효소 및 미생물에 관한 특성
전형주 , 손경희 , 이명권 Hyeong Ju Jeon , Kyung Hee Sohn , Myung Kwun Lee
11(2) 104-107, 1995
Characteristics on Enzyme and Microorganism by Soaking Time of Glutinious Rice 찹쌀의 수침 시간에 따른 수침액의 효소 및 미생물에 관한 특성
전형주 , 손경희 , 이명권 Hyeong Ju Jeon , Kyung Hee Sohn , Myung Kwun Lee
This study was attempted to simplify the complex steeping mechanism and propose the scientific approach of microorganism. As Enzyme activity showed that as steeping hours increase, the α-amylase activity increased. Most commonly microorganisms in steeping liquid were Corynebacter spp., Candida spp. and Lactobacillus spp. According to results, steeping acidifies the character of glutinous rice, affecting the starch`s α-amylase and bring about component`s changes. As Candida spp. and Lactobacillus spp. of the steeping liquid increase, the character of liquid is acidifying.
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The study on the Storage Time of the Jangduck - The First Report , Making and Effects of Storage Time on Proximate Composition Components of Jangduck - 장떡의 저장성에 관한 연구 - 제1보 ; 장떡의 제조와 저장기간에 따른 일반성분의 변화에 관한 연구 -
이숙미 , 염초애 , 조정순 Sook Mi Lee , Cho Ae Yum , Jung Soon Cho
11(2) 108-112, 1995
The study on the Storage Time of the Jangduck - The First Report , Making and Effects of Storage Time on Proximate Composition Components of Jangduck - 장떡의 저장성에 관한 연구 - 제1보 ; 장떡의 제조와 저장기간에 따른 일반성분의 변화에 관한 연구 -
이숙미 , 염초애 , 조정순 Sook Mi Lee , Cho Ae Yum , Jung Soon Cho
This study was attempted to analyze the proximate composition content of Jangduck in order to find out usefulness as a stored food. Sex different group of Jangduck were assigned according to the contents of three different glutinous rice(10, 20, or 30%) with or without 30% beef supplematation. The contents of moisture, protein, fat, carbohydrate, fiber and crude ash of Jangduck were periodically analyzed four times during 60 days. The results were summarized as follows: 1. The content of moisture in jangduck decreased as the level of glutinous rice flour increased in 15days. The moisture content slightly decreasedafter 30days of storage time. 2. The content of protein, fat, carbohydrate, crude fiber and ash of Jangduck were shown to be unchanged. 3. The crude protein of Jangduck was relatively high. 4. There was little change of proximate composition contents of Jangduck throughout the total storage period.
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Selection of Mixing Ratio for Preparation of Mixed Vegetable Juice 과채쥬스 제조를 위한 혼합조건의 선정
이규희 , 고영수 , 최희숙 , 김우정 Gue Hee Lee , Young Su Ko , Hee Sook Choi , Woo Jung Kim
11(2) 113-118, 1995
Selection of Mixing Ratio for Preparation of Mixed Vegetable Juice 과채쥬스 제조를 위한 혼합조건의 선정
이규희 , 고영수 , 최희숙 , 김우정 Gue Hee Lee , Young Su Ko , Hee Sook Choi , Woo Jung Kim
A preferable mixing ratio of a six-vegetable juice was suggested in this study. The vegetables used for preparation of mixed vegetable juice were carrot(Ct), cabbage(Cg), pear(Pr), cucumber(Cr), celery (Cy) and dongchimi(Di). The characteristics of pH, titratible acidity, reducing sugar, turbidity, solids, color and acceptability were compared to determine the mixing ratio. The vegetables showed a wide range of pH of 3.70∼6.01, acidity of 28.92 ㎖∼74.40 ㎖ and reducing sugar of 1.20%∼12.69%. Celery juice showed the higest suspension stability and "b" value and the lowest values in Hunter "L" and "a" values among the 6 vegetable juice. The preferable mixing ratio of two-vegetable juice selected were Ct-Di(1 : 4), Cg-Pr(1 : 3) and Cr-Cy(3 : 1). From the various ratio of the three of biary mixtures of Cg-Pr(1 : 3); Ct-Di(1 :4); Cr-Sy(3 : 1), two ratio of 5.0 : 2.5 : 2.5(V-6A) and 6.0 : 2.0 : 2.0(V-6B) were suggested as the most prefered six-vegetable juice. Pear, dongchimi and cucumber were found to be influential on the preference. The pH and titratible acidity of the two juices with different ratios were in the range of 4.92∼4.98 and 36.9∼37.4 ㎖, respectively.
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Effect of Ginger Rhizome Extract on Tenderness and Shelf Life of Precooked Lean Beef 생강즙이 Precooked 인 살고기 보존기간과 연화에 미치는 영향
김경자 , 이유방 K . J . Kim , Y . B . Lee
11(2) 119-121, 1995
Effect of Ginger Rhizome Extract on Tenderness and Shelf Life of Precooked Lean Beef 생강즙이 Precooked 인 살고기 보존기간과 연화에 미치는 영향
김경자 , 이유방 K . J . Kim , Y . B . Lee
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Changes volatile flavor components of Korean Agrimonia Japonica by cooking 조리에 따른 한국산 짚신나물 ( Agrimonia Japonica ) 의 휘발성 풍미 성분의 변화
이혜정 , 이경희 , 구성자 Hei Jung Lee , Kyung Hee Lee , Sung Ja Ku
11(2) 122-125, 1995
Changes volatile flavor components of Korean Agrimonia Japonica by cooking 조리에 따른 한국산 짚신나물 ( Agrimonia Japonica ) 의 휘발성 풍미 성분의 변화
이혜정 , 이경희 , 구성자 Hei Jung Lee , Kyung Hee Lee , Sung Ja Ku
An attempt was made to determine the effect of the volatile components of edible wild grass by cooking. We collect the volatile components of Agrimonia Japonica by dynamic head space method. Samples were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC-MS). Thirty-six components, including 16 hydrocarbons, 7 alcohols, 4 esters, 7 benzoid compounds, 1 aldehyde and 1 ketone were confirmed in raw samples. Also 6 hydrocarbons identified in cooked sample. Alpha-pinene and 3-hexane-ol were regarded as the most abundant components in raw sample. By heating of Japonica, most of the volatile compounds were disappeared, but alpha-pinene was remained abundantly.
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Physical and cooking characteristic properties of parboiled rice 파보일미 ( Parboiled rice ) 의 이화학적 특성 - 2 . 파보일미 ( 추청벼 ) 의 물리적 성질 및 조리특성
박선희 , 조은자 Sun Hee Park , Eun Ja Cho
11(2) 126-132, 1995
Physical and cooking characteristic properties of parboiled rice 파보일미 ( Parboiled rice ) 의 이화학적 특성 - 2 . 파보일미 ( 추청벼 ) 의 물리적 성질 및 조리특성
박선희 , 조은자 Sun Hee Park , Eun Ja Cho
This study was undertaken to determine effect of parboiling on physical and cooking characteristic properties of milled rice. Equilibrium moisture content(EMC) of parboiled rice soaked at room temperature(25℃) and high temperature(75℃) increased 1.8∼2.7 times & 1.4∼1.6 times as compare to raw rice, and time to reach EMC of parboiled rice became longer 4 times and 1.7 times than raw rice respectively. Equilibrium volume(EV), time to reach EV and volume increase rate constants(k_v) were similar to EMC, time to reach EMC, and k. k_v of parboiled rice brought about in decrease at room temperature and increase at high temperature. The geletinization temperature, time and peak viscosity of parboiled rice were higher than those of raw rice. Parboiling brought about in decrease in L/W of cooked parboiled rice kernels and L/W increased according to presoaking time was prolonged. Solid content of cooking water of raw rice were higher than those of parboiled rice. Hardness of uncooked PL20 & PL40 soaked for 30 min was higher than that of raw rice but that of uncooked parboiled rice soaked for 90 min was lower than that of raw rice. Springness of cooked parboile-rice for initial 10 min decresed with that of cooked raw rice and then increased sharply, cooked for 15 min then increased slowly, cooked parboiled rice for 40 min increased more than cooked raw rice. Color differences(ΔE) of PT20 samples was the lowest L value of all the samples increased but a and b value decreased according to milling degree was high.
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Volatile sulfur compounds in pickled garlic 마늘장아찌의 휘발성 함황화합물
김미리 , 모은경 Mee Ree Kim , Eun Kyung Mo
11(2) 133-139, 1995
Volatile sulfur compounds in pickled garlic 마늘장아찌의 휘발성 함황화합물
김미리 , 모은경 Mee Ree Kim , Eun Kyung Mo
Solvent extract of homogenates of fresh garlic or pickled garlic was subjected to GC-MS analysis, which showed 30 volatile sulfur compounds for fresh garlic and 20 compounds for processed one. Major sulfur compounds from fresh garlic extract were identified to be 3-vinyl-[4H]-1,2-dithiin, diallyl disulfide, 3,4-dimethylthiophene and methyl allyl sulfide. Meanwhile, the number of volatile compounds from pickled garlic decreased gradually during storage. Diallyl disulfide, methyl allyl trisulfide and diallyl trisulfide were major volatile sulfur compounds from pickled garlic stored for 50 days. It is appeared that the amount of trisulfides in pickled garlic increased gradually during storage, in contrast to the amount of dithiins and monosulfides in pickled garlic decreased.
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A Study on the Knowledge on the Korean Festival Foods 우리나라 명절음식의 인지도에 관한 연구
윤은숙 Un Sook Yoon
11(2) 140-144, 1995
A Study on the Knowledge on the Korean Festival Foods 우리나라 명절음식의 인지도에 관한 연구
윤은숙 Un Sook Yoon
This study was surveyed to know Korean festival foods. 1. 62.97% of the students had high level of interest in festival foods, but that was not significantly different by sex and major. 2. The percentage of which they knew about festival foods 92.7% in Seolnal (New Year`s day), 89.6% in Chongwol Daeboreum (the 15th of January), 82.0% in Sambok (the period of summer hot day), 74.7% in Chuseok (Korea thanks giving day), 43.3% in Hansik (the day which eat cold foods), and less than 30% in the other festival day. 3. The festival day which are celebrated was Seolnal, Chuseok, and Chongwol Daeboreum in the order, and Dongji was a lower percentage than the other previous studies. 4. The festival day which they had to succeed was Seolnal, Chuseok, Chongwol Daeboreum, and Dongji in the order of the higher ratio.
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A Study on the Conciousness on the Korean Folk Foods 우리나라 향토음식의 인지도에 관한 연구
윤은숙 , 송태희 Un Sook Yoon , Tae Hee Song
11(2) 145-152, 1995
A Study on the Conciousness on the Korean Folk Foods 우리나라 향토음식의 인지도에 관한 연구
윤은숙 , 송태희 Un Sook Yoon , Tae Hee Song
The purpose of this study was to investigate the conciousness of college students about Korean folk foods. Questionnaires were distributed to 400 students and answered by 289 in the college in Kyung-gi Do and Je-ju Do. The results were as follows; 1. 49.8% of the students had little knowledge about Korean folk foods, 36.7%, 12.8% and 0.7% of the subjects were answered `know little`, `know somewhat`, and `know well`, respectively. 2. This study revealed that 25.6% of students ate folk foods `on a journey` 21.1% of subjects did `normal times`, and 20.4% of them did `festival days`. 3. Students answered that they ate folk foods 3 or 4 times in a year mostly at home. 4. 96.5% of the subjects thought that Korean folk foods had to be succeeded, but 64.0% of the students knew about Kang-won Do folk foods, 34.3% of them answered correctly about Seoul folk foods, and 40.1% of them did Che-ju Do folk foods, and only less than 20% of them had an expert knowledge on the other folk foods. 5. The percentage of getting a correct solution was higher in men than women, majoring in foods than non- food relation, and taking a lesson in Korean folk foods than no lessons.
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Effect of Low Ethanol Concentrations on Growth and Survival of Vibrio parahaemolyticus 저농도의 Ethanol 이 Vibrio parahaemolyticus 의 증식과 생존에 미치는 영향
박찬성 , 카메론해커니 Chan Sung Park , Cameron R . Hackney
11(2) 153-157, 1995
Effect of Low Ethanol Concentrations on Growth and Survival of Vibrio parahaemolyticus 저농도의 Ethanol 이 Vibrio parahaemolyticus 의 증식과 생존에 미치는 영향
박찬성 , 카메론해커니 Chan Sung Park , Cameron R . Hackney
The effect of low concentrations of ethanol(3∼7%, v/v) in culture broth as an antibacterial agent against Vibrio parahaemolyticus was tested at -20, 5, 35, 45 and 50℃. Increasing concentrations of ethanol progressively inhibited initial growth of V. parahaemolyticus at 35℃. Growth occured at 5% ethanol, but only after a prolonged lag period. At 7% ethanol, the number of viable cells of V. parahaemolyticus declined during incubation. Culture broth containing 3∼7% ethanol was inoculated with 10^6∼10^7 cells/㎖ of V. parahaemolyticus and incubated at low temperatures(5℃, -20℃) and high temperatures(45℃, 50℃). In the presence of 5 or 7% of ethanol, the viability in the cells incubated at high temperatures decreased rapidly. Rate of death increased with increasing concentration of ethanol.
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A Study on the Literature Review of Acorn in Korea 도토리에 대한 국내의 연구 동향
김복남 Bok Nam Kim
11(2) 158-163, 1995
A Study on the Literature Review of Acorn in Korea 도토리에 대한 국내의 연구 동향
김복남 Bok Nam Kim
This study was surveyed and compiled the contribution about acorn in korea the physico-chemical properties of acorn and acorn starch preparation of acorn starch and elimination of the acorn tannin, the rheological properties of acorn starch gel. Nutrition of acorn and antioxidative activity of tannin in acorn extract. The result obtained were as follow. 1. The chemical compositions of acorn were water 6.5∼13.7%, crude ash 1.9∼3.4%, crude fat 1.1∼5.0%, crude protein 5.8∼7.8%, crude fiber 2.1∼3.6%, N-free extract 71∼77.5%, total tannin 4.6∼9.3%, Ca 92.7∼460.9㎎%, P 80.0∼740.9㎎%, Na 66.2∼93.9㎎%, and K 867.9∼983.1㎎%. 2. The acorn tannin was extracted with water, acetone, and ethanol. The generation method was wash & settling method with water. 3. The shape of acorn starch granule was rounded triangular and some elliptical, rasing power 12.4∼12.5, Blue value 0.43∼0.47, Alkali number 10.8∼11.3, Amount of Amylose 28.8∼30.5%. Tannin contents on the initial ge○○tinization temperature of acorn starch were not influenced but maximum and cooling viscosity of the acorn starch were decreased. 4. Nutritional effect and diet absorption rate were not influence by rice and 20% T-A(elimination of tannin from the acorn) mixed diet, and the content of lipid in s rum were not influenced by rice 40% and T-A (elimination of tannin from the acorn) mixed diet. 5. Gallic acid, digallic acid, gallotannin were contained in acorn powder extract. The main antioxidative activity was speculated due to the gallic acid.
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식육의 과학적 특성과 이용에 대한 고찰
11(2) 169-179, 1995
식육의 과학적 특성과 이용에 대한 고찰
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육가공 제품의 소비현황과 전망
11(2) 180-191, 1995
육가공 제품의 소비현황과 전망
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육류의 가열조리시의 변화
11(2) 192-207, 1995
육류의 가열조리시의 변화
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쌀가루와 기타곡분을 이용한 식빵 및 러스크의 제조 방법과 물성에 관한 연구
권혁련 , 안명수
11(2) 208-208, 1995
쌀가루와 기타곡분을 이용한 식빵 및 러스크의 제조 방법과 물성에 관한 연구
권혁련 , 안명수
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조리 및 재가열 방법과 저장 조건이 너비아니의 품질 특성에 미치는 영향
김정원 , 김희섭
11(2) 209-209, 1995
조리 및 재가열 방법과 저장 조건이 너비아니의 품질 특성에 미치는 영향
김정원 , 김희섭
Key Words
산업체 급식소에서 제공되는 음식의 보관방법과 품질관리에 관한 연구
고성희 , 김혜영
11(2) 210-210, 1995
산업체 급식소에서 제공되는 음식의 보관방법과 품질관리에 관한 연구
고성희 , 김혜영
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2 - AF 와 MNNG 에 대한 마 식이섬유의 항돌연변이 효과
신남희 , 이임선 , 구성자
11(2) 211-211, 1995
2 - AF 와 MNNG 에 대한 마 식이섬유의 항돌연변이 효과
신남희 , 이임선 , 구성자
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참마 ( Dioscorea japonica Thunb ) 의 섭취가 당뇨병환자의 혈당에 미치는 영향
임숙자 , 김평자
11(2) 212-212, 1995
참마 ( Dioscorea japonica Thunb ) 의 섭취가 당뇨병환자의 혈당에 미치는 영향