Thickening Effect of Hyaluronic Acid Solution in Foods with Different Intake Temperature 섭취온도가 다른 식품에서 히알루론산 용액의 증점효과 연구
김선민 Sun-min Kim , 안채원 Chae-won An , 장진희 Jin-hee Chang , 권동건 Dong-keon Kweon , 홍주연 Joo-yeon Hong , 한정아 Jung-ah Han
Purpose: Hyaluronic acid solutions (HA) was evaluated as a thickener in foods with different intake temperatures. Methods: The amount of HA added with different Mw (120kDa, 120HA; 230kDa, 230HA) in foods (kimchi, water, porridge, and soup) was determined based on the corresponding viscosity of those with a commercial thickener, and the physical and sensory properties of the foods were compared. Results: The viscosity of the HA solution itself was inversely proportional to the temperature, and the viscosity was reduced by 70% at 90°C compared to that at 4°C. Therefore, the thickening effect of HA is ineffective in porridge or soup, which are served at higher temperatures (50°C). On the other hand, HA effectively increased the viscosity of kimchi or water and was more acceptable in the sensory test, particularly in appearance and swallowing. Conclusion: HA, which is prepared in the solution state, is convenient to use, and has an absolute viscosity at certain temperatures. Therefore, it can be used as a new thickener, especially for foods served cold.
Starch Characteristics of Mung Bean Cultivars Grown in Korea 국내 육성 녹두의 품종별 전분 특성
우관식 Koan Sik Woo , 이지혜 Jihae Lee , 이병원 Byong Won Lee , 이유영 Yu-young Lee , 이병규 Byoungkyu Lee , 김현주 Hyun-joo Kim
Purpose: This study examined the characteristics of mung bean starches isolated from various cultivars. Methods: Mung bean cultivars (Dahyeon, Jangan and Sohyeon) were grown at the National Institute of Crop Science in Suwon. After extracting the starch, the physicochemical properties were analyzed. Results: The total dietary fiber contents of Jangan were 19.17%, which was higher than the other cultivars. The amylose contents of the mung bean starches were as follows: Dahyeon 47.03%, Jangan 51.24% and Sohyeon 49.30%. An analysis of the degree of amylopectin polymerization revealed all three cultivars the have the highest DP 13~24 content, more than 50%, whereas the DP ≥37 content was lowest, less than 6.58%. The content of damaged starch of Dahyeon, Jangan, and Sohyeon was 0.82, 0.74 and 1.03%, respectively. The resistant starch contents of Sohyeon was 1.60%, which was lower than that of the other cultivars. An analysis of the gelatinization properties of mung bean starch revealed the value of setback to be low and a low enthalpy in Jangan. Conclusion: These results provide basic data for the use of mung beans in the food industry.
Key Words
mung bean, cultivar, starch, characteristics
Quality Characteristics of Rice Cake with Bordeaux Radish Powder According to Different Processing Methods 트레할로스 첨가와 증자방법을 달리한 보르도 무 분말 첨가 설기떡의 품질특성
Purpose: This study examined the influences of trehalose addition and SHS (super-heated steam) treatment on the quality of rice containing Bordeaux radish powder. Methods: For an antioxidant functional rice cake, 10% bordeaux radish powder was added. Trehalose was added to inhibit retrogradation of rice cake and steaming method was carried out using a general steam and SHS treatment. Results: The moisture content decreased with the addition of Bordeaux radish powder and trehalose, and the pH was similar among the samples. The L and b values increased and the a value decreased with the addition of Bordeaux radish powder compared to the control. As a result of rapid visco analyzer (RVA), the setback of the trehalose-added rice flour was lower than that of the control. The DPPH radical scavenging activity of control was 11.31%, but that of bordeaux radish powder-added rice cake increased by 60%. In the sensory evaluation, B+S+T10 rice cake, which added with 10% Bordeaux radish powder and 10% trehalose showed the highest score. Conclusion: The addition of trehalose and bordeaux radish powder imparted not only retrogradation inhibition but also antioxidant functional superiority of rice cake.
Antioxidant Activities and Changes in Ginsenosides Composition of Yakjus with Fine Ginseng Root, Ginseng Flower and Ginseng Berry 미삼, 인삼열매, 인삼꽃 첨가 약주의 진세노사이드 조성 및 항산화활성
오창교 Chang-kyo Oh , 김계원 Gye-won Kim , 손종연 Jong-youn Son
Antioxidant Activities and Changes in Ginsenosides Composition of Yakjus with Fine Ginseng Root, Ginseng Flower and Ginseng Berry 미삼, 인삼열매, 인삼꽃 첨가 약주의 진세노사이드 조성 및 항산화활성
오창교 Chang-kyo Oh , 김계원 Gye-won Kim , 손종연 Jong-youn Son
Purpose: This study examined the antioxidant effects and ginsenosides contents of Yakju with fine ginseng root, ginseng flower, and ginseng berry. Methods: The antioxidant activities were estimated on the basis of total phenol content, total flavonoids content, electric donating ability, ferrous ion chelating effect and nitrite scavenging ability. Results: The total polyphenol contents of fine ginseng root, ginseng flower, and ginseng berry were 108.4∼117.9 mg/100 mL The total flavonoid contents were in order of ginseng flower (3.02 mg/100 mL)>ginseng berry (1.51 mg/mL)>fine ginseng root (0.89 mg/100 mL)≥ginseng root (0.82 mg/100 mL). The electron donating ability was in the order of ginseng flower (90.2%)>fine ginseng root (77.4%)>ginseng root (75.5%)>ginseng berry (72.2%). The ferrous ion chelating effect was the highest in fine ginseng root (50.4%) and lowest in ginseng berry (38.3%). The order of the nitrite scavenging abilities (at pH 1.2) was ginseng flower (82.3%)>ginseng root (75.2%)>fine ginseng root (73.4%)>ginseng berry (67.6%). The ginsenosides content was in the order of fine ginseng root (277.1 μg/mL)>ginseng flower (93.66 μg/mL)>ginseng berry (58.52 μ g/mL)>ginseng root (38.75 μg/mL). The minor ginsenosides such as Re, Rg3 (ginsenoside Rg3) and CK (compound K), which were not detected on the second day of fermentation, were detected on the 8th day. Rg3 was detected in the order of fine ginseng root (10.37 μ g/g)>ginseng flower (3.08 μg/g)>ginseng berry (2.20 μg/g)>ginseng root (1.35 μg/g) and CK was detected in the order of fine ginseng root (28.47 μg/g)>ginseng flower (13.52 μg/g)>ginseng root (10.33 μg/g)>ginseng berry (8.74 μg/g). The highest contents of Rg3 and CK were detected in Yakjus with fine ginseng root. Conclusion: These results indicated that Yakjus with ginseng flower or fine ginseng root may have valuable functional properties owing to their antioxidant activities.
Key Words
Yakju, fine ginseng root, ginseng flower, ginseng berry, ginsenoside
Effects of Powdered Cinnamon, Ginger, and Gardenia Addition to the Dough on the Stability of Lipid Oxidation and Antioxidants of Yakgwa during Storage 반죽에 첨가한 계피, 생강, 치자가루가 약과 저장 중 지방질 산화와 산화방지제 안정성에 미치는 영향
Effects of Powdered Cinnamon, Ginger, and Gardenia Addition to the Dough on the Stability of Lipid Oxidation and Antioxidants of Yakgwa during Storage 반죽에 첨가한 계피, 생강, 치자가루가 약과 저장 중 지방질 산화와 산화방지제 안정성에 미치는 영향
오보영 Boyoung Oh , 최은옥 Eunok Choe
Purpose: This study evaluated the lipid oxidation and antioxidants of yakgwa with added powdered cinnamon, ginger, or gardenia during storage. Methods: The yakgwa samples were prepared with a dough consisting of wheat and rice flour, sesame oil, sugar syrup, and/or powdered cinnamon, ginger, or gardenia, followed by shaping and frying in soybean oil. They were stored at 30℃ for 56 days in the dark. Lipid oxidation was evaluated based on the peroxide and p-anisidine values, and antioxidants (polyphenols, tocopherols, and lignans) were determined spectrophotometrically. Results: Lipid oxidation during storage was higher in the control yakgwa without cinnamon, ginger, or gardenia than in the yakgwa containing them. The cinnamon, ginger, or gardenia-added yakgwa contained higher levels of polyphenols, tocopherols, and lignans than the control yakgwa. However, the degradation of these antioxidants was faster in the control yakgwa than the yakgwa with added cinnamon, ginger, or gardenia powder. Conclusion: The addition of powdered cinnamon, ginger, or gardenia to dough improved the lipid oxidative stability of yakgwa during storage, resulting from the additional supply of polyphenols and tocopherols and their reduced degradation rates.
Influences of the Alginate-Calcium Ratio and Reaction Time on the Quality of Coffee Beads Prepared by Basic Spherification 구형화에 의한 커피 비드 제조와 품질특성에 알긴산과 칼슘의 비율 및 반응시간이 미치는 영향
Influences of the Alginate-Calcium Ratio and Reaction Time on the Quality of Coffee Beads Prepared by Basic Spherification 구형화에 의한 커피 비드 제조와 품질특성에 알긴산과 칼슘의 비율 및 반응시간이 미치는 영향
서정희 Jeonghee Surh , 양희완 Hee Wan Yang
Purpose: This study examined the factors influencing the preparation of coffee beads by spherification for a novel application of coffee. The factors were as follows; alginate-calcium ratio (R) and reaction time between the two reactants. Methods: Based on the fact that negatively-charged alginate molecules are bridged by calcium divalent cations (Ca2+) through electrostatic attractions and a calcium-alginate gel is formed, coffee beads were prepared at different R (0.38 to 1.13) and reaction times (30 to 210 sec). The texture and sensory attributes of the beads were then characterized. Results: At a relatively lower R, the sphericity and hardness of the beads increased with increasing R, showing that the alginate concentration was a critical factor for bead formation. Coffee beads formed at relatively higher R had lower cohesiveness and springiness. This was attributed to the densely cross-linking gel structure surrounding the bead surface that could block the inward diffusion of Ca2+. The phenomenon appeared to improve the sensory preference, presumably due to the loss of less coffee flavor components through the compact bead surface. The coffee beads prepared at R=0.63 showed an increase in sphericity and hardness with increasing reaction time, without any change in cohesiveness. This indicates that Ca2+ ions were used to form a Ca-alginate membrane around the bead surface to increase the gel strength, instead of further diffusing inward. The sensory evaluation showed that the textural properties related to gelation and to the density of the Ca-alginate membrane were the determining factors for preference. Conclusion: These results suggest that the R and reaction time in preparing coffee beads by spherification affect the textural and sensory properties of the coffee beads, which could be due to the possible changes in the structure of the Ca-alginate membrane. This study provides valuable basic information for the production of coffee beads.
Key Words
coffee bead, spherification, alginate, calcium, gel
Comparison of Texture Properties between Organic and Conventional Rice Varieties after Cooking 품종에 따른 유기재배와 관행재배 쌀의 취반 후 텍스처 특성 비교
Comparison of Texture Properties between Organic and Conventional Rice Varieties after Cooking 품종에 따른 유기재배와 관행재배 쌀의 취반 후 텍스처 특성 비교
정희남 Hee Nam Jung , 최옥자 Ok Ja Choi
Purpose: This study compared the texture properties of organic and conventional rice varieties after cooking. Methods: Five rice varieties, Haiami, Hyunpum, Haepum, Jinsumi and Sindongjin, were produced by organic and conventional farming. The proximate composition, water absorption, expansibility, soluble solids of rice, color value, hardness, adhesiveness, springiness, cohesiveness, and chewiness of cooked rice were analyzed. Results: Significant differences in the crude ash, crude fat and crude protein were observed between the organic and conventional rices. Significant differences in the water absorption, expansibility and soluble solids were observed among the rice varieties. On the other hand, there was no difference between the organic and conventional farming. The hardness after cooking, as well as after storing at 70℃ and 25℃ for 24 hours, was highest in Jinsumi. Adhesiveness was significantly lower in Haepum than other rice varieties. The springiness, cohesiveness and chewiness after storage tended to increase, and was high in Jinsumi. Conclusion: A slight difference in the texture properties of cooked rice was observed between organic and conventional farming according to the rice varieties.
Nutritional Components and Pigment Characteristics of Colored Cherry Tomatoes 유색 방울토마토의 영양성분 및 색소 특성
류아름 A-reum Ryu , 홍정선 Jung Sun Hong , 김성수 Sung-soo Kim , 최정희 Jeong Hee Choi , 최윤상 Yun-sang Choi , 최희돈 Hee-don Choi
Purpose: This study examined the nutritional components and pigment characteristics of three red, yellow, and black colored cherry tomatoes. Methods: The nutritional components and pigment characteristics of red, yellow, and black colored cherry tomatoes were investigated based on color, proximate composition, free amino acid, free sugar, organic acid, ascorbic acid, and carotenoid content. Results: The free amino acid content of all colored cherry tomatoes was very rich in glutamic acid and there was no significant difference among them. The organic acid with the highest content was citric acid and the major mineral component was potassium. Among the three colored cherry tomatoes, the yellow cherry tomato had the highest citric acid content. The major free sugars were fructose and glucose. β-Carotene analysis revealed the red and black cherry tomato to have a similar content. The highest level of lycopene was detected in the red cherry tomato, but none was detected in the yellow cherry tomato. Conclusion: As a result, there was a difference in the composition of cherry tomatoes according to pigment. Therefore, red cherry tomatoes can be used as the main source of lycopene because of its health-promoting property.
Effects of Glasswort and Pepsin-Soluble Collagen on Processing Characteristics of Low-Salt Pork Patties 함초와 펩신 가용성 콜라겐이 저염 돈육 패티의 가공적성에 미치는 영향
송동헌 Dong-heon Song , 함윤경 Youn-kyung Ham , 황고은 Ko-eun Hwang , 진구복 Koo Bok Chin , 김현욱 Hyun-wook Kim
Purpose: This study examined the effects of glasswort and pepsin-soluble collagen on the processing characteristics of low-salt pork patties. Methods: Glasswort was freeze-dried and pepsin-soluble collagen was extracted from duck skin. Pork patties were formulated as follows: 2.0% NaCl (w/w, control), 0.5% NaCl (w/w, (-) control), 0.5% NaCl + 1% glasswort powder (w/w, GW treatment), 0.5% NaCl + 2% pepsin-soluble collagen (w/w, PC treatment), and 0.5% NaCl + 1% glasswort powder + 2% pepsin-soluble collagen (w/w, GW + PC treatment). Results: The pH and color values of the control and (-) control were similar (p>0.05), whereas the addition of pepsin-soluble collagen decreased the pH of the low-salt pork patties (p<0.05). The GW treatment had lower lightness but higher redness, yellowness and hue angle than the other treatments (p<0.05). The (-) control showed the lowest moisture content (p< 0.05), but there was no significant difference in moisture content between the control and three low-salt treatments (p >0.05). The solubilities of total, water-soluble and salt-soluble proteins were higher in the low-salt treatments than the control (p< 0.05). The addition of glasswort powder and/or pepsin-soluble collagen decreased the cooking loss but increased the cooking rate of the low-salt pork patties. The textural properties of the GW treatment were similar to those of the control (p >0.05). On the other hand, the PC treatment resulted in a lower hardness and higher cohesiveness than the control (p<0.05). Conclusion: The addition of glasswort and/or pepsin-soluble collagen could reduce the cooking loss and modify the texture properties of low-salt pork patties. Therefore, this study suggests that the addition of glasswort and pepsin-soluble collagen into pork patties as a functional ingredient can be an effective way of improving the processing characteristics of low-salt pork patties.
Study on the Relative Importance of Selecting Attribute in Purchasing Pickles by Conjoint Analysis 컨조인트 분석을 이용한 소비자의 절임식품 선택속성의 상대적 중요도 분석
이명희 Myung-hee Lee , 김혜영 Hye-young Kim , 안영직 Young-jik Ahn
Purpose: This study provides basic data for developing new products and establishing long term marketing strategies for the sale of pickles by analyzing the consumers’ preference for pickles and the relative importance and preference of the selection attributes. Methods: A self-administered questionnaire was conducted on 440 adults aged more than 20 years (440 valid responses). For statistical analysis, χ²-tests of independence, ANOVA, and conjoint analysis were performed using IBM SPSS Statistics (ver. 24.0). Results: The overall preference for different preserved methods was rated in the order of pickles in soy sauce, pickles in vinegar, pickles with red pepper paste, pickles with soybean paste, and pickles with salt. The preference score for pickles in soy sauce and pickles with soybean paste showed significant differences among the age groups (p<0.05). Green pepper (p<0.001), garlic (p<0.001), Japanese apricot (p<0.01), onion (p<0.05), and radish (p<0.05) were preferred as a pickle material. The origin of ingredients was the most important attribute in purchasing pickles, followed by the packing material, brand, and taste. The most preferred product was identified as the one that has no seasoning flavor, was manufactured by small businesses, made from local food, and was packaged in glass, and the estimated preference value for the product was 0.617. Conclusion: The difference in preference for pickles according to age needs to be considered when developing new products and establishing marketing strategies. Combining the selection attributes on pickles (origin of ingredients, packing materials, and brand, taste) using conjoint analysis is also needed to simulate new products for different consumers with a range of preferences.
Influence of Consumption Value on the Attitude, Customer Satisfaction and Purchase Intention for Convenience Store Refrigerated HMR Products 소비가치가 편의점 냉장 HMR 제품에 대한 태도와 고객만족 및 구매의도에 미치는 영향
Influence of Consumption Value on the Attitude, Customer Satisfaction and Purchase Intention for Convenience Store Refrigerated HMR Products 소비가치가 편의점 냉장 HMR 제품에 대한 태도와 고객만족 및 구매의도에 미치는 영향
이형근 Hyoung-geun Lee , 홍완수 Wan-soo Hong
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to obtain basic data on the development of a marketing strategy of convenience store home meal replacement (HMR) products by analyzing the influence of the consumption value on the attitude, satisfaction and purchase intention. Methods: This study was conducted from October 30, 2017 to November 10, 2017, on 207 people (analysis rate 93.6%) in their 20s who purchased refrigerated HMR products at convenience stores. Data analysis was performed using SPSS ver 21.0 for frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability verification, and multiple regression analysis. Results: The five consumption values identified by factor analysis were the functional value, emotional value, conditional value, social value and rare value. Regarding the influence of the variables, the emotional value (p<0.001) and conditional value (p<0.01) had a significant influence on the product attitude; the emotional value (p<0.001), social value (p<0.05), and conditional value (p<0.001) had a significant influence on the customer satisfaction of convenience store refrigerated HMR products; and the emotional value (p<0.001) and conditional value (p<0.001) had a significant influence on the purchase intention for convenience store refrigerated HMR products. Conclusion: The consumption value influences the customer attitude, satisfaction and purchase intention for convenience store refrigerated HMR products, among which the emotional value was found to be the most important factor.
Study on the Actual Conditions of Institution Foodservice Management in the Elderly Welfare Facilities by the Employment of Dietitians 노인복지시설 급식소의 영양사 유무에 따른 급식관리 실태조사 연구
서지은 Jieun Seo , 권광일 Kwang-il Kwon , 김건희 Gun-hee Kim
Study on the Actual Conditions of Institution Foodservice Management in the Elderly Welfare Facilities by the Employment of Dietitians 노인복지시설 급식소의 영양사 유무에 따른 급식관리 실태조사 연구
서지은 Jieun Seo , 권광일 Kwang-il Kwon , 김건희 Gun-hee Kim
Purpose: The current management of food services at welfare facilities for the elderly with fewer than 50 residents is inadequate. This study examined the sanitary and nutritional aspects of food service management for the elderly by focusing on those food service stations from which the food is distributed. Methods: This study was conducted at 110 food service facilities for the elderly from October to December, 2017; the facilities were visited and the sanitary and nutritional management performance standards were evaluated using a checklist. Results: The findings are as follows: The sanitary management performance of the foodservice institution in small-scale welfare facilities for the elderly that do not employ a dietitian was 77.8±19.3%; whereas it was 90.5±11.4% for the group foodservice institution, showing a significant difference. The rate of uncooked foodstuff being disinfected and washed was 37.5% for the facilities that did not employ a dietitian, and 64.8% for those that did. The nutritional management performance was 60.4±19.9% for the small-scale foodservice institution that did not employ a dietitian and 92.3±10.5 for the facilities that did. The most significant nutritional management item was salinity checking for cooked liquid foodstuff. The level of salinity checking was 21% for the food service stations that did not employ a dietitian and 72% for those that did. Conclusion: These results suggest that small-scale facilities that do not employ a dietitian have unprofessional and inadequate management systems. Therefore, they require the support of professionals, such as dietitians, in hygiene and nutritional management in the areas of consulting, management education, and professional data provision.
Key Words
welfare facilities for the elderly, food service, nutritional management, dietitian, sanitary management