A Study of Enzyme System during Kimchi Fermentation 김치숙성과정 중의 Enzyme System 에 관한 연구
박희옥 , 김유경 , 윤선 Hee Ok Park , Yoo Kyeong Kim , Sun Yoon
7(4) 1-7, 1991
A Study of Enzyme System during Kimchi Fermentation 김치숙성과정 중의 Enzyme System 에 관한 연구
박희옥 , 김유경 , 윤선 Hee Ok Park , Yoo Kyeong Kim , Sun Yoon
The object of this study was to investigate the enzyme system in kimchi during fermentation. The resuts were as follows; 1. Pectinesterase (PE) activity initially increased, following a decrease in kimchi juice but progressively decreased in kimchi solid. 2. Polygalacturonase (PG) activicty in kimchi juice initially increased following a decrease near to abscence and then increased again. PG activity in kimchi solid, initially decreased following a increase. 3. Peroxidase (POD) activity in kimchi juice initially increased, following a decrease and that in kimchi solid progressively decreased. 4. The activicty of ascorbic acid oxidase (AAO) in kimchi juice slightly decreased, following a increase but decreased again. The activity of AAO in kimchi solid, progressively decreased. The cause for the slight increase of the activities of enzymes in kimchi juice after kimchi making was thought to be the extracting effects from kimchi solid. The disappearance of all enzyme activities in fermentation was due to the decrease of pH and the inactivation of enzymes owing to prolongation of fermentation. The cause of increase of PG activity in late fermentation, may be the proliferation of aerobic organisms.
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A Study on the Standardization of the Preparation Method for Waxy Rice Nochi 찹쌀 노치 제조법에 관한 연구
정영선 , 이혜수 Young Sun Chung , Hei Soo Rhee
7(4) 9-13, 1991
A Study on the Standardization of the Preparation Method for Waxy Rice Nochi 찹쌀 노치 제조법에 관한 연구
정영선 , 이혜수 Young Sun Chung , Hei Soo Rhee
Nochi is a kind of Korean traditional food made from glutinous rice or millet. This study attempted to examine the effects of the various factors and to clarify the factors which affect the overall eating quality of Noch. The results were summarized as follows. 1. Starch content of waxy rice was 72.4% and IBC was 0.017%. 2. α-amylase and β-amylase activity of malt were 40.13 and 8.94 units respectively. 3. Waxy rice soaked for 3 hours was ground to flour then sifted 20 mesh sieve. The mixture of waxy rice and malt was steamed for 20 minutes. 4. In sensory evaluation on varying the amount of malt and incubation time, the most favorite tendancy of the overall eating quality was at the level of 8hours incubation made by 5% addition of malt. 5. Total sugar contents, reducing sugar contents and the intensities of iodine stain at the incubation temperature of 60℃ were significantly different from those at 50℃.
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Changes in Physicochemical and Cook Properties of Kidney Beans During Storage 강남콩의 저장에 따른 이화학적 성질 및 조리특성 변화
조은자 Eun Ja Cho
7(4) 15-22, 1991
Changes in Physicochemical and Cook Properties of Kidney Beans During Storage 강남콩의 저장에 따른 이화학적 성질 및 조리특성 변화
조은자 Eun Ja Cho
Changes in cooking properties of kidney beans A (reddish purple), B (mosaic), and C (pale yellow) during storage at 4°, 20°and 30℃ for 5 months were examined. The weight and volume gains of raw beans during soaking at 30℃ were the greatest in kidney bean A followed by B and C, which were decreased from 3 months storage at 30℃, The weight gain, solid loss and hardness of cooked beans at 100℃ for 40 min decreased from 3 months of storage at 30℃ in all samples. The amylograms of whole kidney bean flours showed no peak and continuous increase of viscosity during heating. The kidney bean A showed the higher values in all reference points than kidney beans B and C which had similar amylogram patterns.
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A Study on the Consumer Recognition of Food Safety and Food Additives 식품의 안전성 및 식품첨가물에 대한 소비자 인식에 관한 연구
한왕근 , 이귀주 Wang Kun Han , Gui Ju Lee
7(4) 23-34, 1991
A Study on the Consumer Recognition of Food Safety and Food Additives 식품의 안전성 및 식품첨가물에 대한 소비자 인식에 관한 연구
한왕근 , 이귀주 Wang Kun Han , Gui Ju Lee
This study was to investigate consumer recognition of food safety and food additives. The results of this study are as follows: 1. When shopping for food, the food safety was rated as foremost concern for the respondents and the details checked most often were manufacture date, packing condition and axpiration date, respectively. When asked their opinion about harmful factors in relation to food safety, the most important consideration was food additives. The highest rating for credibility regarding the sources of information on food was given to scientists in university and institute, lowest one was given to food manufacturer. 2. Government regulation on the use of food additives was known to exist, but control of the uses of food additive was considered inadequate by 60% of the respondents. These results showed significant differences for age (p < 0.05), for education level (p< .0l) and for income (p < .05) respectively. 3. 47.9% of the respondents indicated that they were willing to purchase the additive free foods, although it was expensive. More than 70% made an effort to eat food with less food additive and were concerned about possible effects of food additives on health, showing significant differences for age (p<0.05), for education level (p<0.05) and for income (p<0.05). 4. Labeling for food additive found on food package was shown to be unsatisfactory, showing significant diference only for income (p<0.05) and more information about food was needed by over 91.3% of the respondents, showing significant difference for education level (p<0.05). 5. Althovgh approximately 80% of the respondents were concerned about artificial preservative, artificial flavor, artificial color and artificial sweetener, the concern about artificial preservative was the highest. Primary causes that respondents felt fear toward food additives were the unknown harms and cancer, and primary sources that respondents got information on food were televison and radio, respectively. From these results, it was shown that consumer considered food safety important and they felt a great deal of concern about food additives.
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Effect of Different Methods of Cooking on Sensory and Nutritional Properties of Kongjook 조리과정에 따른 콩죽의 영양성분과 기호에 관한 연구
이현옥 , 김을상 , 장명숙 Hyun Ok Lee , Eul Sang Kim , Myung Sook Jang
7(4) 35-40, 1991
Effect of Different Methods of Cooking on Sensory and Nutritional Properties of Kongjook 조리과정에 따른 콩죽의 영양성분과 기호에 관한 연구
이현옥 , 김을상 , 장명숙 Hyun Ok Lee , Eul Sang Kim , Myung Sook Jang
The sensory evaluaiton by Preference test revealed that the best Kongjook was obtained when the soymilk was prepared with eight-times of water to the volume of soybean. Based on the results, the ratios of soybean: rice: water (v/v/v) having 2:1:16(G₁), 3:2:24(G₂), 3:2:30(G₃) and 4:3:32(G₄) were chosen. The soaked rice was cooked with soymilk, Kongjook prepared from G₂ and G₄ showed the highes preference in eating quality and flavor, but the former had better quality in consistency and color, indicating that Kongjook from G₂was the most preferable. The cooking time of soybean prior to the preparation of soymilk also showed that Kongjook prepared from G₂had better preference than other samples regardless of the cooking times of soybean. The spreadability of Kongjook from G₂determined with a line-chart method was 5.85.
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A Study of the Texture of Shinggumchopyun by the Amount of Water and Some Kinds of Sweeteners 당의 종류와 물의 첨가량에 신감초편의 텍스쳐에 관한 연구
이효지 Hyo Gee Lee
7(4) 41-49, 1991
A Study of the Texture of Shinggumchopyun by the Amount of Water and Some Kinds of Sweeteners 당의 종류와 물의 첨가량에 신감초편의 텍스쳐에 관한 연구
이효지 Hyo Gee Lee
The objective of this study was to evauate the effect of the Shinggumchopyun when the making of Shinggumchopyun with the several kinds oif sweeteners and amount of water on the texture. The evaluation of these results were as followings: 1. The standard recipes of Shinggumchopyun were three cases. The first case was rice powder 350g, Shinggumchopyun powder 7g, sugar 50g, water 90㎖. The second case was rice posder 350g, Singamcho powder 7g, syrup 50㎖, water 60㎖. The third case was rice posder 350g, Singamcho powder 7g, syrup 50㎖. water 60㎖. 2. According to the sensory evaluation, there were significant differences of appearance, softness, moistness and over all quality among samples. And there were no significant differences of color, flavor,grain and chewiness among samples. 3. The moisture contents of Singgamchopyun were (syrup) 40.14%, (honey) 41.17%, (sugar) 43.46%. 4. Judging from the results of Instron Universal Testing Machine, it was found that there were no significant differences in each treatment of the Cohesiveness, Springiness,gumminess, Chewiness of Singamchopyun without only hardness.
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Physical and Chemical Properties of Glycosylsucrose Glycosylsucrose 의 이화학적 특성
설혜미 , 지옥화 , 김미리 Hye Mi Seol , Ok Hwa Jhee , Mee Ree Kim
7(4) 51-61, 1991
Physical and Chemical Properties of Glycosylsucrose Glycosylsucrose 의 이화학적 특성
설혜미 , 지옥화 , 김미리 Hye Mi Seol , Ok Hwa Jhee , Mee Ree Kim
Physical and chemical properties of glycosylsucrose were characterized as follows: 1. The moisture content of glycosylsucrose syrup (35%, w/w) was 63.6% and total sugar in solid was 35.9%. 2. Main sugar compositions of glycosylsucrose syrup were maltotetraose 54.5%, sucrose 18.0%, glycosylsucrose 15.3%, maltosylsucrose 11.3% and the content of glucose, maltose, maltotriose and fructose were very little. 3. Perceived sweetness threshold of glycosylsucrose was 0.71%, relative sweetness was 0.53, and sweetness intensity expressed as power function was S=0.78℃^(1.5). 4. Viscosity of glycosylsucrose was higher than that of sucrose and Japanese product at 10, 25, 35 and 65℃. 5. The content of water absorption of gylcosylsucrose at Aw 0.80 was 0.48g H₂O/g dry weight while that of sucrose was 0.17 g H₂O/g dryweight at Aw 0.86. 6. The stability of glycosylsucrose was decreased by acidic pH, high temperature and long heating time. 7. The glycosylsucrose showed very little browning when heated with pepton, but alkaline pH (pH8), high temperature and long heating time increased browning reaction.
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Effect of Oil Addition on Texture of Mungbean Starch Gel 지방첨가가 녹두전분 Gel 의 Texture 에 미치는 영향 - 제1보 : 이화학적 특성 및 기계적 검사에 의한 평가 -
주나미 , 전희정 Na Mi Joo , Hui Jung Chun
7(4) 63-69, 1991
Effect of Oil Addition on Texture of Mungbean Starch Gel 지방첨가가 녹두전분 Gel 의 Texture 에 미치는 영향 - 제1보 : 이화학적 특성 및 기계적 검사에 의한 평가 -
주나미 , 전희정 Na Mi Joo , Hui Jung Chun
This study was undertaken for the purpose of studying the physicochemical propery of mungbean and texture of mungbean starch gels. Mungbean starch gel made with different levels of oil were tested to investigate the textural characteristics by mechanical test. The results are summerized as fallows; The content of moisture fat, protein, and ash in Seonwha mungbean were shown to be about 13.19%, 1.02%, 23.57%, 3.13% respectively. Those of Seonwha mungbean crude starch were 12.48%, 0.63%, 0.94%, 0.13% respectively. The gain of dry crude starch from peeled mungbean was 22.48%. Water binding capacity of Seonwha mungbean crude starch was 183.1%. The pattern of change in swelling power of Seonwha mungbean crude starch for increasing temperature increased slowly to 70℃, and then increased rapidly. The pattern of change in solubility was similar to that of swelling power. The amylose and amylopectin content were 22.5% , 77.5%, Brabender hot-paste viscosities of mungbean crude starch at 8% and 10% showed the similar amylogram patterns with peak vicosity. By the Rheometer measurement result of 8% 10% mungbean starch gel, Hardness and Fractuability tended to be decreased as the addition level of oil increased. Elasticity, Adhesiveness, Chewiness, L, a, and b value tended to be increased as the addition level of oil increased.
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Rheological Evaluation of Cooked Rice with Milk 우유첨가 취반미의 물성에 관한 연구
김경자 , 강선희 , 곽연주 Kyoung Ja Kim , Sun Hee Kang , Yun Joo Kwag
7(4) 71-86, 1991
Rheological Evaluation of Cooked Rice with Milk 우유첨가 취반미의 물성에 관한 연구
김경자 , 강선희 , 곽연주 Kyoung Ja Kim , Sun Hee Kang , Yun Joo Kwag
This study was attempted to enhance nutritional value of cooked rice by adding milk in cooking water. Cooked and soaked rice with five different levels of milk in cooking water (0%, A: 30%, B: 50%, C: 70%, D: 100%, E) was tested for rheological parameters, fine structural changes, sensory evaluation. 1. Water absorbance of raw rice in cooking water with varying amountes of milk, was tested at 5℃ and 15℃ for 2 hours. Water absorption ratio was decreased as milk content was increased and soaking temperature was low. Time for maximum water absorption of sample A was 40 min at 15℃ but for sample B to D, it was not reached until 120 min. 2. Electronmicroscopic observation revealed that starch granules of rice lost their regular forms by soaking for 90 minutes, but recovered most of initial regularity after 24 hours. Increase in milk content of soaking water decreased marginal sharpness of the starch granule, presumably due to reduced swelling of the granule. 3. Degree of gelatinization of cooked rice was highest in sample A and progressively decreased as milk content was increased. It was, however, increased in all samples when the cooking water to rice ratio was raised from 160% to 180%. During 4 hour storage, rates of retrogradation were not different between A and B samples, but those of C, D and E were about 2.5 times higher than A and B under the optimal condition of 170% cooking water to rice ratio. This was in the order reverse to hardness order of AC>A, D>E at cooking water to rice ratios of 160% and 170%, above which A sample surpassed the rest of samples. 4. Sensory evaluation conducted by fifteen university students as panelists showed that there were more significant differences among five samples in flavour, texture than appearance and a notable preference for b and C over A, D and E.
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Binding of Calcium and Iron by Job's tears ( Yulmoo : Coix lachryma - jobi L. var. Ma - Yuen Stapf. ) Total Dietary Fiber and Acid Detergent Fiber 율무 식이섬유의 칼슘 , 철분과의 결합특성
우자원 Ja Won Woo
7(4) 87-91, 1991
Binding of Calcium and Iron by Job's tears ( Yulmoo : Coix lachryma - jobi L. var. Ma - Yuen Stapf. ) Total Dietary Fiber and Acid Detergent Fiber 율무 식이섬유의 칼슘 , 철분과의 결합특성
우자원 Ja Won Woo
This study was performed to examine the mineral binding properties of total dietary fiber (TDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) from Job`s tears (Yulmoo: Coix lachryma-jobi L. var. Ma-yuen Stapf.) bran. The endogenous Ca and Fe contents of dietary fiber extracted from Yulmoo bran were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS). Ca contents were 40, 118.6㎍ Ca/g TDF and 131.6㎍ Ca/g ADF. Fe contents were 1,219.7 ㎍ Fe/g TDF and 277.5 ㎍ Fe/g ADF. The calcium binding capacities of dietary fiber at pH 5.0, 6.0, 7.0 were 50.77, 77.57, 86.64% for TDF, 40.27, 51.42, 40.90% for ADF, respectively. The iron binding capacity of dietary fiber at pH 5.0∼7.0 was 95∼97% for TDF and 85∼95% for ADF.
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Modification of Functional Properties of Casein by Kiwifruit Protesse 키위 단백질 분해효소가 카제인의 기능성에 미치는 영향
윤선 , 최혜정 , 이진실 Sun Yoon , Hye Jung Choi , Jin Sil Lee
7(4) 93-101, 1991
Modification of Functional Properties of Casein by Kiwifruit Protesse 키위 단백질 분해효소가 카제인의 기능성에 미치는 영향
윤선 , 최혜정 , 이진실 Sun Yoon , Hye Jung Choi , Jin Sil Lee
The object of this study was to investigate characteristics of kiwifruit protesae and effect of this enzyme on the functionality of casein. The specific activity of crudely prepared kiwifruit protease on casein was 196.95 units/㎎ protein, it showed optimum activity at pH 3.0, 60℃. The degree of hydrolysis of casein with protease treatment steeply increased to 73.5% and 78.9% for 10 and 20 minutes and then reached 84.1% and 89.3% for 1 and 4 hours, respectively. Solubility of non heated control group was 0.2% at pH 4, while the sample groups treated with enzyme for 0, 10 and 20 minutes were 14.5%, 19.2% and 24.0%, respectively. Casein treated with protease showed marked increase in foam expansion near isoelectric point. However, enzymatically treated groups had lower foam expansion than the control groups. Foam stabilities of enzymatically modified groups were lower than those of the control groups at all pH. Emulsifying activity of the non-heated control group was 0% at pH 4, while the groups modified enzymatically for 0, 10, and 60 minutes showed 51.0%, 55.5% and 54.5%, respectively.
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Assessment of Food Service Management Practices in Day Care Centers 서울 시내 탁아기관의 급식관리 실태평가
곽동경 , 이혜상 , 양일선 Tong Kyung Kwak , Hye Sang Lee , Il Sun Yang
7(4) 103-109, 1991
Assessment of Food Service Management Practices in Day Care Centers 서울 시내 탁아기관의 급식관리 실태평가
곽동경 , 이혜상 , 양일선 Tong Kyung Kwak , Hye Sang Lee , Il Sun Yang
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the foodservice management practices in day care centers in order to provide basic information and guideline for development of foodservice facilities standard model and sanitation manuals. Basic survey and evaluation were done for 24 day-care centers categorized in four groups. General foodservice management practies, status of equipment, and hygienic conditions were evaluated. The results of the survey showed the followings: the cost of lunch and the cost of interim snack varied very much among each group; development of standard recipe as well as purchase of foods were not done by an expert; the hygienic condition of kitchens and dining-room needed more attention for improvement; the sanitary practies of employees showed potential problems; kitchen facilites were not standardized, especially only 20.8% of the facilities were equipped with the three-compartment sink, which was regarded as essential.
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Assessment of Nutritional Adequacy and Microbiological Quality of Foods served in Day - care Centers 서울시내 탁아기관 급식의 영양적 균형 및 미생물적 품질 평가
곽동경 , 이혜상 , 양일선 , 김성희 , 문혜경 Tong Kyung Kwak , Hye Sang Lee , Il Sun Yang , Sung Hee Kim , Hye Kyung Moon
7(4) 111-118, 1991
Assessment of Nutritional Adequacy and Microbiological Quality of Foods served in Day - care Centers 서울시내 탁아기관 급식의 영양적 균형 및 미생물적 품질 평가
곽동경 , 이혜상 , 양일선 , 김성희 , 문혜경 Tong Kyung Kwak , Hye Sang Lee , Il Sun Yang , Sung Hee Kim , Hye Kyung Moon
The purpose of this study was to evaluate nutritional adequacy and microbiological quality of foods served in day-care centers, and to provide basic information and guidelines for the development of computerized standardized recipes and microbiological quality contol program. Assessment was conducted for four day-care certers selected from each of the four groups categorized in the basic survey. Nutritional balance and amount of consumption of the food was calculated and microbiological analysis was conducted. The results of the study showed the followings: the nutritional assessment of food served in day-care centers indicated that energy and nutrients contents of foods were below the recommended level (RDA/3), except the case of a university day-care center; the percentage of leftovers for soups and vegetables was high, but that for a la carte was low; fecal coliform was not found in any of samples, however, the number of coliform in the salted Korean radish and salad was higher than guideline for microbial acceptability; the number of coliform checked from the surface of the cutting board was higher than acceptable level in most day-care centers.
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식품 및 조리과학에서 효소의 중요성
7(4) 122-142, 1991
식품 및 조리과학에서 효소의 중요성
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효소와 한국음식
7(4) 143-168, 1991
효소와 한국음식
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식품가공에 이용되는 효소
7(4) 169-185, 1991
식품가공에 이용되는 효소
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지방 첨가가 녹두전분 Gel 의 Texture 에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
주나미 , 전희정
7(4) 186-187, 1991
지방 첨가가 녹두전분 Gel 의 Texture 에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
주나미 , 전희정
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Effect of Modified Atmosphere Packaging ( MAP ) on the Shelf Life of Refrigerated , Cubed , Turkey Thigh Meat
In Sook Ahn
7(4) 188-188, 1991
Effect of Modified Atmosphere Packaging ( MAP ) on the Shelf Life of Refrigerated , Cubed , Turkey Thigh Meat
In Sook Ahn
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찹쌀노치 제조 방법에 관한 연구
정영선 , 이혜수
7(4) 189-189, 1991
찹쌀노치 제조 방법에 관한 연구
정영선 , 이혜수
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Surfactants 를 처리한 고구마 전분의 특성
이신경 , 신말식
7(4) 190-190, 1991
Surfactants 를 처리한 고구마 전분의 특성
이신경 , 신말식
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서울 시내 탁아기관의 급식 관리 실태 평가
곽동경 , 양일선 , 이혜상 , 김성희 , 문혜경
7(4) 191-191, 1991
서울 시내 탁아기관의 급식 관리 실태 평가
곽동경 , 양일선 , 이혜상 , 김성희 , 문혜경
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쌀의 취반 및 식미특성에 영향을 주는 요인들과 취반시 SEM 에 의한 Ultrastructure 의 변화
7(4) 192-192, 1991
쌀의 취반 및 식미특성에 영향을 주는 요인들과 취반시 SEM 에 의한 Ultrastructure 의 변화